| 1. | This policy explains part of the continued growth of u.s. dependence on imported oil . 这项政策部分地说明了美国为什么日益依赖进口石油。 |
| 2. | One target is to reduce china ' s dependence on imported technology to 30 % or less by 2020 此运动的目标之一是到2020年将中国对引进技术的依赖降低到30 %或者更低。 |
| 3. | One target is to reduce china ' s dependence on imported technology to 30 % or less by 2020 其中一个重要的目标就是到2020年将中国对引进技术的依赖降低到目前水平的30 % 。 |
| 4. | With today ' s policies , the eu ' s dependence on imported energy is set to rise from 50 % of total consumption today to 65 % in 2030 按照目前的政策,欧盟对能源进口的依赖性将会加深,进口能源将从现在的占总消耗量的50提高到2030年的65 。 |
| 5. | But opponents of offshore drilling point out that the extra oil would only slightly diminish america ' s dependence on imports , and do nothing to end america ' s addiction to oil in general 反对者认为海上石油开采只会微微减少美国对进口石油的依赖,影响不了大局。 |
| 6. | But as concern about america ' s dependence on imported oil grows , and the price of the petrol ( gasoline ) derived from it soars ever higher , congress is beginning to reconsider the restrictions 但是随着美国对海外石油进口程度与日俱增,和国内油价持续走高,国会开始重新审视这项禁令的合理性。 |
| 7. | Proponents of the renewable electricity standard ( res ) say it will help to reduce both america ' s dependence on imported fuel and its greenhouse - gas emissions without raising power prices 可再生能源标准( res )的支持者说,减少美国对进口石油的依赖、降低温室气体排放量而不提高电力价格,这一举措会有所帮助。 |
| 8. | We have the same interests : we want to produce and consume energy more efficiently ; we want to lessen our dependence on imported oil and gas ; we want to diversify our supply , including through renewable energy 我们有着同样的利益:我们想要更高效地生产和消费能源;我们想要减少对进口石油和天然气的依存度;我们想通过包括可再生能源在内的措施使能源供给多样化。 |
| 9. | Some key installations and high temperature and high pressure valves are still in need of dependence on imports , addition , the valve industry in china ' s industrial structure , industrial valves industrial chain , the degree of specialization and industry are foreign enterprises with a substantial gap 一些高温高压和关键装置上需要的阀门仍然依赖进口,另外,我国阀门行业在产业结构、阀门工业的产业链,以及行业的专业化程度均同国外企业存在较大的差距。 |